In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Barry, Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Upcoming Events – The movie night for What Would Jesus Buy? is this Friday, and Jackson owns the DVD so it’ll be easy to set up. All we have to do is make some popcorn. Winter Solstice party is on the 19th, the Lincoln Secular Humanists are gonna be buying pizzas, the Lincoln Atheists will bring soda, and anyone else can bring any food they want in addition to that. The #BlackLivesMatter discussion is the day after the solstice party, and we need to make sure the house is cleaned up after the festivities.
The counter-protest to the anti-choice Walk for Life is on January 31st. We’ll schedule a poster making party the week of, and we need to do a lot of promotion. We should offer childcare at the house again, we’ll have a sign-up sheet with the contact info of the children’s parent(s) and any info we need to know. At the Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting, Brian stated he was concerned about safety after the protest. We should encourage everyone to escort each other to cars or other safe spaces. We also need to contact the ACLU to make sure there’s a legal observer present.
2. Fliers – We need to get more calendar handbills and cat handbills produced. We also need a small run of smaller calendars, so we should ask Ella for that file.
Meeting adjourned: 7:20 PM