Start time 7:15 pm
Event Review: Our fundraiser dinner for ThanksTaking had a turnout of 10-12 people and raised $328 (and counting, as there are pledges not yet collected) for the fetal alcohol center. That total includes our long-tabled $80 donation that was never made to the now-defunct ISO. Great food too!
Upcoming Event: This Saturday at 1:00 pm, self-advocacy with your doctor; bring your ideas about medicine, healthcare, etc.
Web Events: Self-Advocacy w/ Doctor and The Living End (movie screening) are posted, need to add to website; need to post Library Event and Winter Solstice Fire
Calendar Distribution Update: Need to post at Cultiva, The Happy Raven, George’s Gourmet Grill, UNL Campus, Unitarian Church, The HUB, Meadowlark, Open Harvest
Know Your Rights: Training in January to prepare for February calendar event
Potential Spring Calendar Ideas:
screening of Parasite – a South Korean movie about class dynamics
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)
Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm