In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:15 PM
- Event Review – We had our “Labor vs. Capital For Beginners” discussion on Saturday. It was well attended, and the discussion seemed inspired.
- Library Donation – Marc donated three books for our lending library. Thanks, Marc!
- Calendar Distro Update – Jackson and Wyatt got all of downtown. There’s still a handful of far-off places that are not yet done, and Marc and Ty will take the rest of our available calendars and try to finish up this week.
- Library Update – We had to postpone our library committee meeting because Naomi was sick and we are going to wait for her to re-shelve books. She has still been very busy with investigating software solutions. Login information has been forwarded to the Discord chat. We’re hoping to get the re-shelving done later this month, if and when Naomi gets healthy and maybe has some free time.
- January Panel – We spent some time wordsmithing an appeal asking for our third panelist. We need to get our online advertisement up for this event in the next week; Marc and Ty will start drafting that. It’s also about time to start collecting 2-3 sentence bios about our moderator and panelists. And we also need to prepare some questions for the panel; we hope to continue this brainstorming in the Discord chat this week. Marc will start designing something visual for an online banner and/or special flier.
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM