In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:05 PM
1. Event Review – We had our “Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess?” discussion on Saturday. It was well attended and a good discussion, but we didn’t really stay on electoral politics all that much. We figured it was inevitable given the audience this time around was mostly longtime activists who have dealt with this kind of electoral stress before. The whiteboard to keep track of what topics we did want to talk about was helpful, though we will need to get ourselves a bigger board. Jackson thinks we should dedicate some significant time to review our discussion moderation guidelines before our next discussion.
2. Book Order Review – We sent in our large order to Haymarket Books, which ended up as a total of 63 books. The damage was $596.56, over our preapproved budget of $520. There was a glitch that resulted in Jackson having to pay for shipping despite it being free, but he is supposed to be refunded the cost manually by Haymarket Books after the shipping goes out. We will reimburse Jackson for the $520, but we will reimburse him for the additional $76.56 as we are able to have extra funds to place in the library fund.
We also bought a few books from Pathfinder Press, which was $10. We will also reimburse Jackson for these as we can, so the grand total for the IOU to him is $86.56.
3. Winter Calendar –
Friday, December 9th, 7-10PM – Movie Night: Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?
Saturday, December 10th, 1-3 PM – Did We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess?
Friday, December 16th, 7-10 PM Movie Night: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Saturday, January 14th, 1-3 PM, DAPL Discussion
Movie Night: Rebuilding Hope: Sudan’s Lost Boys Return Home
Date TBD: Walk For Life Counter-Protest
What is Imperialism? A Community Discussion
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – “Far Beyond The Stars”
Tentative Events:
Race: The Power of an Illusion (three-part documentary series)
The Clintons’ Anti-Working Class Record – book discussion
Movie Night: The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
Note: Ty will not be able to be around for February 17-19 as he’ll be at MBLGTACC in Chicago.
Meeting adjourned: 8:04 PM
Tabled items: December Calendar, Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard)