11/5/18 Minutes: December Calendar, More Books!

In Attendance: Jackson, Ty (secretary), Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:08 PM

1. Event Review – Men’s Rights vs “Men’s Rights” got a nice turnout, and the discussion went fairly well. We hit most of the issues that folks wanted to discuss.

2. Upcoming Event – This Friday, we’re showing Johnny Got His Gun. We have the DVD, we just need to set the room up for a film showing.

3. Books – We’re still waiting for the final AK Press and Kersplepedeb books. Wyatt brought some books from Southeast Community College’s book sale that he thought would be of interest to the library. We’ll reimburse Wyatt the $1 it cost him.

4. Che Guevara Children’s Book Author – Ty got in touch with Indigo Bridge about hosting the event, and they’re initially interested and are just passing info along their staff to see who would be a point person on it. After letting M. Smith know about this update, he also let us know that he had some copies of “Little Karl” available. We would definitely like to get a copy from him.

5. Winter Calendar –

December 1, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion: Solidarity Networks and Housing Justice (roarmag.org/essays/us-housing-solidarity-networks)
December 14, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics (Co-hosted with DSA Lincoln): Sorry to Bother You

January 5, 1-3 PM: Socialist Cuba at 60 (a community discussion)
Popcorn Politics (Co-hosted with DSA Lincoln): Videodrome
Movie Night: American Socialist: The Life and Times of Eugene Victor Debs
January 26, 10 AM – 12 PM, at the Nebraska State Capitol: Counter-Protest to the Walk for Life

6-10 PM: Popcorn Politics (Co-hosted with DSA Lincoln): Malcolm X
February 16, 1-3 PM: Obama Didn’t Fix It? The KXL Pipeline
Movie Night: The Garden

Jackson still needs to reach out to DSA and Renters Together about possible collaboration on the reading discussion on Solidarity Networks and Housing Justice.

Malcolm X, due to the long runtime, will have an intermission for food. We’ll order pizza.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:19 PM

Tabled: Reimbursements for AK/Kersplepedeb books

Continue Winter Calendar Discussion

Indefinitely tabled: “Who Owns Politics?” Discussion Event, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Posted in Minutes.