In attendance: Brandon (moderator), Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:11 PM
1. Event Review – We had our Climate Change discussion last Saturday. A few new people, which was great! The event ran long, discussion went a half hour early, but that’s okay! The presentation was probably also a bit long, and we should be limiting any presentations we give as part of discussions to maybe 30-45 minutes. But it was still a good format to explore in the future, it’s a good way to prime people on a bunch of information, and the encouragement for more interactions than a lecture makes it more dynamic. It turned out working out well for the group we had, even if probably not advertised as exactly what it was. Bailey was also a really good moderator of the discussion. A further discussion on the merits of presentations versus discussions will be tabled.
2. Upcoming Event – The Counter-Protest to the Walk for Life is this Saturday! Friday night at 7 to 9 we’re going to have a sign-making party at The Black Cat House. We should also put a call out for people who want to get more involved as march marshals. Ty and Marc will provide childcare.
3. Library Donation – Jackson got 10 more books and 10 more zines to donate to the library. Thanks, Jackson!
4. Global Day of Protest – We got a message about a Global Day of Protest against war with Iran on Saturday, Jan. 25. We’re going to meet that day at 11 AM to 1 PM at the Federal Building, with signs and potentially a few speakers. We’ll be making signs for that during the same sign-making party as the Counter-Protest.
5. Spring Calendar – needs to be done by Feb. 10 meeting!!!
– March – Women’s History Month
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
– April – Environmentalist Stuff
Saturday April 4th or 11th. History of religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 18th Garden Day
Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
– May – Labor stuff and yard sale
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite. Hot New Release
Saturday, Sunday. Perhaps May 15th and 16th. Or another time. Yard Sale. We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Labor documentary at the end of the month?
– unsorted
screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February)
resource drive for water protectors or flood victims
discussion/workshop: “What Can I Do?” concrete means of helping out in climate disaster (combined with resource drive?)
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM
Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)