In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ju Ping, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM
1. Upcoming Event – Our discussion, “Now What: Organizing Resistance in the Age of Trump” is next Saturday.
Going beyond writing letters to politicians; toward more productive forms of protest (occupations, barricades, boycotts?); critiquing non-violence/not conflating it with legality — property destruction? Police being violent against protestors?/self-defense; Ground Rules? – should we even talk about the election at all? Probably not — let’s keep the focus on the fight ahead… Try to keep emphasis on tactics, try not to bog down in feelings too long;
Tabled sub-item: We decide to thoroughly revisit our discussion on more effectively moderating our discussions next week. This might be very necessary, given the strong feelings many have on this situation and the reality that there could be diversions and distractions.
2. Calendar distro – It’s a work in progress, but Ty and Ju Ping seem confident that they can finish the distro this week.
3. Library Sorting – We spent a little worktime shelving some of our new library books and brainstorming how we may go about re-arranging our library soon.
Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM
Tabled items: Review moderating discussion next week!, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard, labels)