1/12/15 Minutes: Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: We had our What is… Cultural Appropriation? Discussion. It was a small crowd, but a good discussion, and drew some new faces into the house. The only improvement we can think of is that the subject is a little bit obscure, and Jackson suggests theming a future event around Halloween, based around the more-mainstream “My Culture Is Not a Costume” campaign.

2. Upcoming Events: The Intro to Asexuality event is this weekend! Sammi and Ty are ready for it, Sammi created a powerpoint with the basics, and Ty will give Ashley the Taking The Cake zine to make copies of. We need to make cupcakes for it, too. We also have the Writing Letters to Political Prisoners event, which Ashley’s got covered.

3. Reimbursements: Jackson spent $10 buying zines (mentioned last meeting) for the House, and we approve of it.

4. The Militant: We decided to get a year’s subscription to The Militant newspaper. Jackson will be in charge of setting that up.

5. Black History Month: Ashley has created two different drafts for a Black History Month flyer. We picked one out and suggested adding a header, and Ashley will mess with it and get it ready for printing this week.

6. Calendar: We began discussing the spring calendar. The big events to consider are Earth Day and May Day.

For Earth Day, we could potentially collaborate with Sustain UNL. We also need to look into tabling at Lincoln’s Earth Day festival again. We’d need to round up some zines to hand out and prepare kid’s kits, but we have most of the major supplies we needed from last year.

April is also time for our yearly fundraiser yard sale. It will be on April 10th and 11th. No events or open hours are to be scheduled the week beforehand in order to use the house space to prepare items.

With May Day, we didn’t do any major events last year. May Day falls on a First Friday, so while it would be ambitious, we could get in contact with local radical artists and hold an art show themed around working class issues. An alternative would be to hold a whole month of smaller events themed around labor history. A Women and Labor-themed Feminist Discussion Group, one or two movie nights (Salt of the Earth), and an educational event on the history of the labor movement and how it compares today were ideas thrown out. The International Socialist Organization at UNL was suggested as a potential partner for any events. We’re thinking “The Cloudminders” from TOS as our Trekkies for Humanism in May.

March is Women’s History Month, so another Feminist Discussion Group and an educational event themed around that would be appropriate. Ashley and Jackson, our resident mega-Trekkies, will think of solid feminist episodes of Star Trek to show.

7. Posters: We had the Interference Archive mail us several posters out of the blue, and we need to figure out where they’re all gonna go! We retired some posters from our wall and put up some new ones.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Posted in Minutes.