11/22/21 Minutes
In attendance: Jackson, Marc, Ty (Moderator), Wyatt (Secretary)
Start time: 7:10 PM
Calendar Update:
- Marc did a great job with the handbill and full size winter 2021-22 Calendar. Thank you! We reviewed and discussed final edits. We want to add “Come browse our lending library” We will get them printed this Tuesday or Wednesday.
Merch Discussion:
- Do we want to make swag? Perhaps stickers for laptops, books, waterbottles, ect. A message and graphic that represents us.
- We would like Goldenrod printing to make dedicated posters for our panels. We are considering making more dedicated posters for special events. We would like to continue to support the union-organized Goldenrod Printing Company.
- We want to add a list of “what the black cat house offers” on the back of the handbills.
Upcoming Events:
- Labor vs Capital is up on fb. The work is getting around. The event space will be cleaned before December 4th. The draft for the Matrix movie night is in progress.
- We need to reach Call to Action and ask them to be on our panel. Wyatt and Jackson will work together on this.
Library Updates:
- We have a new very large bookcase. We want all wood shelves. Thank you Wyatt for this.
- Discussion about reorganizing the Library. We want a “not for checkout” shelf, so the rest of the books are more obviously “for checkout!” Also we conducted additional Extensive discussion about new possible arrangements of books.
- December 4th at 11am will be a library committee meeting / workday.
- We are still moving towards a digital database of all our books so we can showcase them on the website and know if the book is checked out or not.
- Jackson has a library donation. Asexuality, a book of articles. Thank you!
Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm