In attendance: Jackson, Ty (secretary)
Meeting Start: 7:05 PM
- Event Review: Low turnout for the film but the discussion went well! Weather may have messed up the turnout more than our late posting of the event, as it got more interest on Facebook than our past few events.
- Winter Calendar: We worked on the event description for our December movie night, which Jackson posted online tonight. The other events have been finalized, which are listed below.
Marc had gotten a template for the calendar made, so all we need is to plug the events in and send to the printer. Maybe there will be room to include event blurbs? We’ll ask Marc about this.
We also discussed whether the January discussion should be in-person or online given potential for heavy snow – we decided it would be better to have it be in-person but to include a note to check the online event pages in case of inclement weather.
Our 2023 installment of Black Musicians and Liberation is still being worked on, so we will make a separate poster for it if we schedule it over winter. - Library Donations: Jackson came back from an event celebrating Malcolm X’s long-overdue induction to the Nebraska State Hall of Fame, and with books and a zine in hand. They were all obviously great additions to the lending library.
Winter Calendar
Friday, December 9, 7 PM – Movie Night: Behind the Shield: The Power and Politics of the NFL
Saturday, January 14, 1-3 PM – Corporate Control Over Public Space (A video and community discussion)
Saturday, January 28, 10 AM – Counter-Protesting the Anti-Choice “Walk For Life” (On the north side of the Nebraska State Capitol)
Friday, February 10, 7 PM – Movie Night: The Killing Floor (1984)
Saturday, February 18, 1-3 PM – Gaming the System: Class Privilege in “The Great Dalmuti”
Meeting adjourned: 8:31 PM