In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:20 PM
- Event Review – Our digital discussion was a bust! No one showed up, and we were plagued with so many technical difficulties that it wasn’t even practical to record the presentation for our YouTube. We probably needed to get it advertised sooner to get people to attend. We’re not sure why there were so many technical problems; it may just have been a bad night for Jitsi’s servers.
- Upcoming Event – We’re showing Judas and the Black Messiah this Friday night. We’ll be ready for it.
- Winter Calendar
December –
Friday, December 9th, 7 PM: Movie Night: Behind the Shield: The Power & Politics of the NFL
January –
Saturday, January 14th, 1-3 PM: A community discussion (?)
Possibly about Company Towns (“Your Town’s CEO”), but is that too niche? What’s our audience?
Saturday, January 28th, 10 AM: Counter-Protesting the Anti-Choice “Walk For Life” (@ Nebraska State Capitol)
February –
Ideally, a movie night in the early part of the month. And preferably, a fictional one…
Saturday, February 18th, 1-3 PM: Gaming the System: Class Privilege in “The Great Dalmuti”
(Black Musicians and Liberation? TBD?)
Meeting adjourned: 8:55 PM