In attendance: Jackson, Marc (sorta), Nate, Ty (secretary)
Meeting Start: 7:20 PM
Upcoming Event: Intersectona-LEE-ty is going to be this Thursday, 7pm! The event was posted very last minute so we’re sharing in several channels. We have some YouTube videos that Dance will use as part of the presentation, so just something we need to keep in mind.
Ty will pay for expanding our Dropbox again so that we have the space to record it as well.
Movie Night: Showing Judas and the Black Messiah on the 18th at 7pm! Jackson’s going to draft the event description and we’re hoping to get that up tomorrow.
Winter Calendar:
Any month: Potential guest speaker? E.P.C.O.T. documentary/company town discussion? Sci-fi film?
December –
Friday, December 9, 7 PM: Movie Night: Behind the Shield: The Power & Politics of the NFL
January – ?
February –
Black Musicians and Liberation?
Political Game Night?
Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 PM
Tabled: Winter Calendar