In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator), Wyatt
Start time: 7:05 PM
1. Event Review – We showed Alien for Popcorn Politics on Friday night. We had one of our best movie turnouts in months, so it was a good pick. We had a decent discussion afterwards.
2. Upcoming Event – Our discussion, Men’s Rights vs. “Men’s Rights”, is this Saturday. We’re looking forward to it, and not feeling like we need to do any special preparations for it.
3. Bookshelves! – Wyatt scored us a couple of nice new bookshelves for $50. We agree to reimburse him.
4. Che Guevara Children’s Book Author – Ty has had no success getting a hold of Indigo Bridge, so we’re tentatively prepared to host it ourselves. It will be sometime in April; Ty will contact the author and advise against double-booking with the Huskers’ spring game.
5. Book Update – Jackson picked up a book at a yard sale this afternoon, and we will add it to the lending library. (He doesn’t want to be reimbursed for it.) Jackson is still waiting on receiving the last backordered items for our AK Press and Left-Wing Books/Kersplebedeb orders to get reimbursed for those. TABLED again.
6. Winter Calendar –
Winter Popcorn Politics/Movie Nights
DSA has indicated that they would like to continue Popcorn Politics. First movie on the list is “Sorry to bother you”.
BCH would also like to screen at least one non-fiction documentary this winter, in an effort to move back toward the 1:1 fiction:non-fiction movie screening ratio. Some possibilities include Manufacturing Consent, Howard Zinn documentary, The People Speak, The Garden, Free Angela, Black Panthers, Black Power.
Discussion Events
Winter Event #1 December 2018
Gentrification. Rejecting reformist approaches (rent controls, tenants rights) and adopting tenement solidarity networks (fixed objectives for monetary recovery, rent strikes)
We like this article as a basis for a reading discussion:
Jackson still needs to reach out to DSA and Renters Together about possible collaboration on this event.
Winter Event #3 January 2019 5th or 12th
Cuban Revolution 60th Anniversary is Jan 1, 2019. OPEN discussion.
Winter Event #4 February 2019
KXL Pipeline. Energy transfer partners will in all likelihood be undertaking construction in Nebraska at this time. We would like to bust Myths about the pipeline, discuss ongoing resistance tactics, give an anarchist perspective on energy capitalism and alternatives.
Other Possible Events:
Popcorn Politics
Eugene Debs documentary (January?)
Movie Night: The Garden in February
Meeting Adjourned: 8:33 PM
>Continue Winter Calendar Discussion
>Reimbursements for AK/Kersplepedeb books.
>Future Event #2 (We really like this idea but Maybe we should table this until before next election cycle)
Who owns politics? Why working people think they don’t. Not into politics? Your boss is! Every year we hear “just vote” propaganda, but why stop there?
>Other tabled: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)