In attendance: Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary)
Meeting Start: 7:01 PM
Event Review: We had our digital installment of Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess on Saturday. Small turnout, good discussion. Probably should’ve thrown the event up sooner, but we also decided on it last minute, so we can’t beat ourselves up too much about it.
November Event: We have two panelists confirmed, but it’s been hard to get in touch with them this week to confirm date/time. If we can do that though, we might already have a third panelist ready to go, as they were also pretty interested.
Winter Events: We discussed the possibilities of making sure the digital link to the Black Cat House Monday meetings are readily accessible, and an online social gathering event to keep people connected during winter. We also might do a digital follow-up to the election, regardless of results.
Other discussion ideas brewing: different communities’ responses to COVID-19, World AIDS Day (December 1) event regarding the queer community’s aftermath in the wake of the 80s/90s and how they’re dealing with HIV (and how their response to COVID is influenced by it), discussion about courts/SCOTUS specifically?
February is Black History Month and we would want to do something for that but we’re not sure a more specific topic yet.
Ty wants to do something involving music but he’s not sure yet whether he wants to discuss political music or whether he wants to get leftist musicians in a video chat together to have an online concert.
January 16 is the Walk for Life – what do we want to do to counter this year?
Tabled: November Event, Winter Events
Meeting Adjourned: 7:39 PM