In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM
1. Upcoming Event: The Great Swamps will be playing here on Wednesday at 7 PM. We emailed them and asked whether they had any food preferences while they are here, and Jackson will put up a last minute flier at his work.
2. Police Brutality Event: Alicia and Devin came to our meeting and told us what they could about their story. We gave them all the resources and names we had available as far as people who could potentially help them organize an event of the caliber they are thinking of.
3. Winter Calendar:
No Woman No Cry – Saturday, Dec 5th, 7PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December
Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? – February
Potential movies:
Che (Part 1) (Jan), Ma Vie en Rose (Jan), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM