In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty, Wyatt (secretary)
Start Time: 7:02
On Friday October 26 at 7pm BCH and DSA will cohost a Popcorn Politics Movie Night! Alien. DVD acquired and ready. On Friday November 9 at 7pm BCH and DSA will cohost another Popcorn Politics Movie Night! Johnny Got His Gun. Event language approved with all parties and Jackson will post promos to relevant social media.
We finally received our wholesale order of 22 books from AK Press. We also received two books from our Friends of AK Press subscription. In total we received 24 new AK Press books for the BCH lending library. (One book and some merch was on backorder and is still expected. Jackson will follow up with AK). From Kersplebedeb we received our order of 9 books for the library. Ty found two books at a Library Sale, one for the BCH lending library. Reimbursements tabled.
In grand total the BCH added 34 books to the library. We will make a nice display of some of our new books.
3. Che Childrens Reading
Ty reached out to Indigo Bridge Books in regards to a potential guest author Martin Smith who would like to give an event in Lincoln in April. Unfortunately no response from Indigo Books but Ty will follow up again with a call. We are still happy to have the event here if Indigo Books does not work out. Tabled: Ty will update us next week.
Winter Popcorn Politics/Movie Nights
DSA has indicated that they would like to continue Popcorn Politics. First movie on the list is “Sorry to bother you”.
BCH would also like to screen at least one non-fiction documentary this winter, in an effort to move back toward the 1:1 fiction:non-fiction movie screening ratio. Some possibilities include Manufacturing Consent, Howard Zinn documentary, The People Speak, The Garden, Free Angela, Black Panthers, Black Power.
Discussion Events
Winter Event #1 December 2018
Gentrification. Rejecting reformist approaches (rent controls, tenants rights) and adopting tenement solidarity networks (fixed objectives for monetary recovery, rent strikes)
We like this article as a basis for a reading discussion.
This article was posted to social media by Lincoln DSA, so they may be interested in a discussion. Also Jackson will reach out to Renters Together to gauge interest/cooperation.
Winter Event #3 January 2019 5th or 12th
Cuban Revolution 60th Anniversary is Jan 1, 2019. OPEN discussion. Joe can plug the Brigade.
Winter Event #4 February 2019
KXL Pipeline. Energy transfer partners will in all likelihood be undertaking construction in Nebraska at this time. We would like to bust Myths about the pipeline, discuss ongoing resistance tactics, give an anarchist perspective on energy capitalism and alternatives.
Other Possible Events:
December 2: anniversary of John Brown’s hanging
December 7: Noam Chomsky’s birthday
Meeting Adjourned: 8:31pm
>Continue Winter Calendar Discussion
>Reimbursements for Ty Library Sale and Jackson Kersplepedeb books.
>Future Event #2 (We really like this idea but Maybe we should table this until before next election cycle)
Who owns politics? Why working people think they don’t. Not into politics? Your boss is! Every year we hear “just vote” propaganda, but why stop there?
>Other tabled: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)