Black Cat House – 10/21/19
In attendance: Jackson, Brandon, Will, Ty (remote), Marc (secretary; remote)
Start Time – 7:15 PM
- Event Review
- Smoke Signals: Not a huge turnout, but it was a good movie. A few folks expressed that they wished they could come after the event. Good discussion as well.
- Upcoming Events
- Power Tools free school class: Jackson will be around if Wyatt needs help setting the event up.
- Marc wrote up the description for the Halloween party. It will be posted tonight along with a link to
- Library Donations
- We got a couple book donations! We also got a great donation of garden supplies from a kind Anonymous.
- Winter Calendar
- December
- The Living End movie – a gay Thelma and Louise movie about a couple of guys living their best lives J
- Marc is gonna buy & screen this to see if it’s worth putting on the calendar
- Solstice event? Such as a firepit or something
- The Living End movie – a gay Thelma and Louise movie about a couple of guys living their best lives J
- January
- Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!! It’s a tradition!!!!!!!!!
- No date yet as of their website.
- February
- An event centered around restorative justice
- We’d like to finish up the calendar by like early early November
- Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!! It’s a tradition!!!!!!!!!
- Candlelight Vigil
- A vigil for the Rojava is happening at the capitol steps tomorrow evening at 7:30.
Meeting adjourned 8:33 PM