In attendance: Jackson, Ty (secretary), Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM
1. Event Review – “To Each According to Our Needs” was a bust, unfortunately. Fall is tough to schedule, what with competing events around non-Husker home games, but our open discussions don’t bomb very often so this is weird to us. Ty wants to shelf this topic and try it again some other time.
2. Book Orders – We finally got an email notification that the AK Press order had shipped, with an estimated date of Friday the 19th. Jackson also got the money removed from his account, and for the Left Wing Books order, though one of the Left Wing Books was out of stock so he was partially refunded for that. We’ll talk reimbursement for him when they get here. Wyatt’s also looking into some mahogany bookshelves.
3. Winter Mat – Wyatt successfully got us a mat for the porch! He paid $10 for it, and we’ll reimburse him for it.
4. November Events – We spent a lot of time getting November events up online.
Tabled – Winter Calendar Brainstorming
Discussion idea: Who owns politics?/Why working people think they don’t/Not into politics? Your boss is!, Other event: Cuban Revolution 60th Anniversary is Jan 1, 2019
Something about gentrification?
KXL Pipeline? Sometime in February?
December 2: anniversary of John Brown’s hanging
December 7: Noam Chomsky’s birthday
Meeting adjourned: 9:58 PM
Tabled items: Winter Calendar, AK Press Purchase, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)