10/12/20 Minutes: Library Donation, Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess?

In attendance: Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary)

Meeting Start: 7:10 PM

  1. Library Donation: Jackson made a very hefty PM Press purchase for real cheap, and donated much of his haul to the Black Cat library, in addition to some other books he’s found.
  2. Upcoming Event: It’s this Saturday! There’s not an event description or a Facebook event up! Ty proposed pushing back the event for more time to advertise but since we had some regulars referencing the event as scheduled, that isn’t going to work. Joe brought a canopy over – he’s downsizing and will let us hold onto it for use in our events! Thanks, Joe! We discussed social distancing and mask wearing while outdoors – Jackson had some concerns over people being able to hear each other with masks on and making sure it’s accessible, but safety is still paramount. Marc suggests relocating it to Standing Bear Grounds (more secluded from traffic sounds) but the bare minimum of ads we have had says it’s at Black Cat. After a pretty in-depth discussion about it, we opted to do an in-person event as scheduled this Saturday, and an online discussion with the same topic next Saturday, 1-3 PM. That way people who do not want to risk face-to-face interaction can still participate in the discussion. Jackson will get the event for the in-person one up tonight, while Marc will prep the online one later this week.
  3. November Discussion: We had some potential panelists not work out, so we’re not sure what to do about the November discussion right now.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 PM

Tabled: November Discussion, Library Cataloguing Project, Website Remodel

Posted in Minutes.