In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – Trekkies was on Friday, and it was a fun show. Not a great turnout, but a good discussion. Our Indigenous People’s Day Rally was just an couple hours ago. We got some channel 8 coverage! “The revolution may not be televised, but the protest did,” as Jackson put it. Handed out a few zines. We think we might need a specific flier for the event next time.
2. Upcoming Event – Protest: What Is It Good For? is this Saturday. We need to continue promoting it, but other than that, we think we’re ready. As an aside, Jackson thinks getting a big whiteboard would come in handy with this sort of event in the future, to jot down ideas the discussion generates.
3. The Great Swamps – Ty put the Facebook event page up! We’ll start inviting people and sharing it around.
4. Buttons – We have labels, so Ty will make some with our website to put on the back of our buttons. We’re also going to send some pronoun and pride buttons to be printed.
5. Anniversaries – In our project to add anniversaries of important historical events, we added May Day and the Stonewall Riots.
6. Winter Calendar – Items to consider:
Winter Solstice Party in December
Mardi Gras: Made in China in late January
Black History Month in February. Maybe try The Angola 3 again? Malcolm X or another biography? Or the 1995 film Panther?
Jackson suggests polling the Facebook page, see what our fans want us to host.
Tabled: Winter Calendar
Meeting adjourned: 8:09 PM