In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:20 PM
- Upcoming Event – We have a movie this Saturday. We’ve got some tidying to do in the living room, but we’re going to be alright. Ty and Marc will be bringing the DVD and an air filter. If the Facebook event’s guest list is accurate, we’ll probably have a small group.
- Library Donation – Ty brought a book about housing inequality for our lending library. It’s a good fit for our growing section on urban issues and gentrification.
- Research Interview – We are tentatively scheduling our interview with the researcher next Monday at 4:30 PM. Ty will pass along any further updates on the Discord chat if and when he gets them.
- Winter Calendar –
We really should try to get this finalized in the next couple of weeks, but are behind schedule!
We discussed the possibilities of doing a Jitsi panel discussion on liberation theology for the holidays. We have a couple of friends who might be good panelists, and there’s some talk of perhaps approaching the Unitarian Church for a third panelist. We have a few other ideas of folks who aren’t necessarily within the Christian tradition, but we’re preferring left-wing Christians at this time as liberation theology is a specifically Christian.
There’s also a lot of interest in doing something labor-related with the current strike wave going on. Do we want to do a discussion event? Show a film? Wyatt and Jackson talked a bit about what we heard from the Kellogg’s workers on strike in Omaha. Could we do some videos with them for our YouTube channel?
Counter-Protest the Anti-Choice Walk For Life – January 29th, 2022
Black Musicians and Liberation event in February?
- November Event – We need to get our Women and Christianity event up this week! We’re less than three weeks away already.
Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM