In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:25 PM
- Event Review – We had our anti-Columbus Day protest last Monday. We had a good turnout and handed out a lot of educational literature. Jackson even wound up being interviewed for a national AP wire article, thanks to our Facebook event. The sign-making party was a bust, probably due to poor advertising.
- Interview – A grad student in the UK reached out to us to see if we’d give an interview about running our activist space. The collective nominates Jackson and Ty to represent the group, as they have seniority. Ty will figure out when is good in his schedule and reach out to see if our schedules can by synchronized with the researcher’s.
- Strike Solidarity – We will be donating $200 from our treasury toward the strike fund for the Kellogg’s workers on strike in Omaha. We’re also planning to drive up there someday soon to see if we can be of any further help to them.
- Migrating from Facebook? – Ty and Marc have continued to do more research on the potential for us replacing our internal discussions on Facebook with Discord. Ty would like a timetable for our migration from Facebook. Wyatt suggests spending the winter familiarizing ourselves with Discord and possibly moving away from Facebook in the spring.
- Winter Calendar – tabled to next week
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM