In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem, Ty
Start time: 7:00 PM
- Event Review – We counter-protested the Walk For Life again on Saturday. Jackson reports that we had one of the smallest turnouts we’ve ever had for it, which is a great concern especially given the political climate. Jackson thinks we need to find some allies and try to grow future versions of the event as more of a coalition-driven event.
- Library Donation – Marc (via Ty) has offered our library a book about 20th century labor history. We’re happy to take it.
- Reimbursement – Jackson paid $35.99 to get one of our website domains renewed. He will be reimbursed.
- February Discussion – We still need to get advertising online about our February discussion about racism. Jackson hasn’t had time and focus to draft anything yet, but neither Matt nor Ty feel comfortable doing it. Jackson will continue trying to find space to work on this.
- Instagram – We are exploring the possibilities of expanding into Instagram. We actually have a very old account started by an ex-member, and we will see if we can get access to it.
- Spring Calendar –
Yard sale fundraiser?
Matt wonders if there’s a good documentary about Cesar Chavez
Something feminist?
Discussion about the state of abortion rights?
Something ecological?
Garden Day? We’re interested! Jackson needs to follow up with Wyatt and a representative of a local group that may be interested in collaborating
Lincoln Earth Day is April 20th — we think we want to table again! Ty will take point on getting us signed up. Salem may make some kind of display about reducing plastic waste.
Something working class/labor?
“I Fucking Hate Amazon”
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM