In attendance: Audrey, Jackson (secretary), Maia, Matt, Payne, Salem
Start time: 7:00 PM
- Event Review – We had our LGBTQ Outlook discussion on Saturday. Aryn from OutNebraska was here and had a lot of information for us about the bills being proposed in this legislative session. We had a nice turnout, with a mix of old and new friends.
- Upcoming Event – Our annual counter-protest of the Walk For Life is this Saturday. We’re ready for it.
- Web Reimbursement – Jackson paid $36.17 for renewing one of our website domains. We’re cool with him being reimbursed for it.
- Masks – Jackson thinks it’s time for us to buy another box of disposable face masks, as our current one is running low. Jackson will order one, and seek reimbursement for it when he has it.
- Grant writing / 501c – Payne is interested in taking on some more ambitious projects which may necessitate more aggressive fundraising. Jackson stressed that the Black Cat House has never pursued an official 501c nonprofit status as doing so would likely limit the kinds of political speech we would be allowed to express. There was also some extended discussion about the availability of larger spaces for bigger events, and Jackson brought up how the Black Cats were part of the Red State conference in 2018 and 2019 that rented the Unitarian Church for day-long leftist conferences with attendance of 100+. And there are also sometimes possibilities for grassroots groups to partner with official 501cs on specific projects, where the grassroots folks can piggyback off the official status of the larger group in exchange for the latter getting a percentage of the grant money.
- Spring Calendar – Our website is having issues and so our previous minutes were not accessible tonight! Here are some new ideas:
Jean Kilbourne’s Killing Us Softly 4 may be a good March film to add some feminist content
Maia suggested a mental health discussion; Payne added that perhaps a focus on LGBTQ mental health may be especially timely
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM