1/17/22 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Spring Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson, Marc (secretary)
Meeting Start: 7:04 PM

Upcoming Event: Counter-Protest at the Walk for Life
– The Facebook discussion group for the counter protest has been fairly quiet.
– Jackson posted in the group asking if there was any interest in a meeting to discuss counter protest strategies and organizing. Marc is still available to host/moderate the Jitsi discussion if there is interest.
– Marc will create a Jitsi link for said discussion.
– We’ll also share the counter protest event page more often on the BCH Facebook page.

Upcoming Event: Black Musicians and Liberation Panel
– Jackson reached out to a potential panelist and is waiting to hear back. It’s possible that the email got buried in their inbox, so Jackson will work with another potential panelist on how to proceed. Otherwise, no further updates here.

Upcoming Event: Reading Discussion
– Jackson wrote up the event description for Facebook.
– We decided to change this into an online event due to the extreme spread of COVID in Lincoln. Marc created a Jitsi link for this discussion and sent it to Jackson.
– The reading is quite philosophical in nature and style, so this event could benefit from using the Jargon Giraffe shorthand (or something similar).

Spring Calendar Planning
– Wyatt expressed interest in moderating a panel about social justice in non-christian religions.
– We are planning on shooting for hosting 1-2 events/month during Spring, due to planned unavailability for some folks and potential unavailability because of COVID.
– March: Jackson suggested having a reading discussion in the tail end of March or early April, probably about gender to some regard due to March being women’s month. Additionally, we could have a gardening day at some point during March, depending on the work that needs doing.
– April: Earth Day is during this month, and depending on the panel’s topic. We still need to hammer out details for the panel topic and potential panelists. Marc and Ty will reach out to one potential panelist to see if they’re interested and have the knowledge base/background we’re looking for.
– May: Reading Discussion in early May, and Yard Sale in late May.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 PM

Posted in Minutes.