Meeting Started: 7:05 PM
In attendance: Jackson, Marc (sec), Ty, Salem
Upcoming Event: Hail Satan?
- We will be showing Hail Satan? this upcoming Friday night, from 7-10 PM. We have the DVD and a working projector.
- However, one person living at the Black Cat House is currently ill with COVID but at the stage where they can be around people while masked; Salem suggested being transparent so potential attendees can make informed decisions about whether to attend.
- Jackson brought up having someone on mask-duty on the porch so that, before people even enter the house, they should be wearing a mask.
- Marc also brought up that there’s now no transparency about COVID rates in Nebraska, but wastewater trends were up before the dashboard was removed from public access.
- Ty suggested drafting a post on our Facebook/site event pages so that people can stay informed about COVID safety. Jackson volunteered to write this up, and it has been posted. Marc cross-posted the update to the event page on the website.
Pride Vendor Survey
- Star City Pride sent out the surveys for vendors to respond to. We will be sending in feedback and responses soon. Ty shared the survey questions in the Discord channel for others to respond to as they are able to.
- Ty will synthesize responses and send the survey in.
September Advertising & Newsletter
- Our first event in September will be on the 9th – a reading discussion about fast fashion’s effect on climate change.
- We will combine two articles about the topic for reading; both are relatively short.
- We still need to write up the event description for the Facebook page and website.
- Right now, Salem will take point on writing up the event description draft, and anyone can also help out with that.
- Ty suggested writing up the event description for our movie on the 22nd, so we have more time to advertise. Jackson volunteered to write up the description for Gather.
- Marc brought up needing photos for the September newsletter, and having the descriptions for the events before the beginning of September would be most useful. The newsletter would go out about a week before the discussion on the 9th.
Virtual Meeting Procedure
- Tonight due to COVID we decided to have our meeting virtually. Ty suggested that we should make a post to our Facebook page when we’re doing this, with a link to the Jitsi meeting.
- Marc also brought up some security concerns, e.g. it being easier for bad actors to join and disrupt a meeting. He suggested using the Jitsi moderated meeting. We would then share a public link and a private link for moderators, just for particular people who are able to serve as mods.
- Ty suggested posting the public meeting link just to our website, and not Facebook, due to the current cesspit of social media. However, FB is unfortunately one of our main avenues for reaching the community. We are tabling this discussion ’til later to determine the procedure more specifically.
Finalizing the Calendar and Distribution
- Marc will finish up the Fall calendar, and others will review it for errors before sending it to print. We need to get it done and ideally distributed before the end of the week. He’ll try and get the designs done ASAP.
- We’ll send the calendars to the print shop on campus, so they’ll be ready for pickup on Wednesday.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:34 PM
Tabled: Virtual meeting procedure details