6/30/14 Minutes: Beehive Collective, “Sexyfest”


In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Tati (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: Trekkies For Humanism was great! We easily hung out after the episode for a few hours, and the discussion was great. Might even do another as early as August, as it might be worth it to do one off-calendar. Looks like the crowd wants Enterprise next time!

2. Book: Ashley’s donating The Sustainable Kitchen to the library. Ze doesn’t ask for reimbursement. We approved its entry!

3. Beehive Collective: The Bees have moved their dates to between October 1st and the 5th to dodge Huskers Homecoming. It bumps up against the date we tentatively picked for SexyFest, but since it wasn’t a done deal we’ll just move SexyFest to a different date. Sammi offers to get the Bees a contact within UNL if they don’t have one yet.

4. SexyFest: We’ll reschedule it to October 11th! We talked about renaming it, though we haven’t yet decided on a particular name. Perhaps PosiFest? It might be important to give the event a subtitle of sorts. We also discussed emphasizing that sex positivity does not necessarily involve sex itself, and to include asexuality and sex-repulsion in the event.

5. Speakers: We decided we can offer stipends for speakers and set a separate treasury for it. We’ll wait to put any money directly from the treasury into it until we figure out the amount we’ll spend on the website, and once we have some money in it we’ll start formally advertising it.

6. “Difficult People”: We continued discussing “Activists and ‘Difficult People’” particularly the sections on sexual harassment and workplace bullying. Sexual harassment was pretty straightforward, though we’ll have to take things on a case-by-case basis, and workplace bullying didn’t really apply, though Jackson suggests reading follow-up material on general bullying and dealing with people with aggressive dominating personalities. Reading the next two sections by next week!http://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/01san.html

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM
Tabled: Networking, Website, SexyFest, Speaker Stipend, Activists and “Difficult People”

Posted in Minutes.