5/6/15 Minutes: May Day, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:08 PM

Event Review: What is May Day? had a low turnout, but the discussion was very good. We do want to do something more substantial for May Day next year, but we’ll have to get a lot of support for it. A march would be nice to get organized if possible. May Day falls on a Sunday next year, and our problem with marches have been not engaging those who can’t afford to take the day off when it falls on a weekday. That Sunday might be a nice opportunity to get marches back up.

Upcoming Events: No events coming up in the week, but we do need to get Facebook events up and edit the ones that are already up.


Edits that need to be made:
Meetings are now Wednesdays at 7 pm
Open hours need to be removed from the summer calendar
Add “p” consistently after times for all events for consistency
Add “All events are free and open to the public. The Black Cat House is all-ages and wheelchair accessible.”
Italicize movie titles if possible

We made minor formatting edits to the titles, they’ve been changed below:

June 6th, 7:00p – Movie Night: Selma
June 12th, 7:00p – Trekkies For Humanism: “In The Hands of the Prophets” (DS9)
June 20th, 7:00p – Movie Night: FernGully: The Last Rainforest
July 2nd, 7:00p – Movie Night: Elysium
July 18th, 7:00p – Movie Night: 416 (A local documentary on Nebraska’s anti-gay marriage law)
July 24th, 7:00p – Trekkies For Humanism: “The Outcast” (TNG)
August 1st, 7:00p – Movie Night: Grave of the Fireflies
August 15th, 7:00p – Movie Night: Killing Us Softly
August 21st, 7:00p – Trekkies For Humanism: “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” (TOS)

We decided on gold as the color of the summer calendar.

Reimbursement: Button parts were purchased, and button designs were printed! We had already agreed that reimbursement be given. Button printing was $4.01, and the parts were $64.71. Jackson will be reimbursed for both.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:35 PM

Posted in Minutes.