5/14/18 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Basically Finalized Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:15 PM

(Meeting slightly delayed due to some post-yard sale clean-up time)

1. Event Review – We had our yard sale, and it was a success! We had less stuff to sell than years past, but we sold most everything we had, with a final total $726.90 funds raised altogether and only a few totes worth of stuff leftover to sell next year or via online sales.

2. Upcoming Events – We have a grand total of four days worth of events this week! A committee meeting to plan the Nebraska Left Conference is Tuesday, and we’re hosting. We just need to get the room cleaned up further after the sale. Friday night is Salt of the Earth. Hopefully since the room will already be clean by then, we only need to get the projector and screen up and call it good. Saturday/Sunday, the NE IWW will be here for organizer training. Same deal; should be clean, should be fine. We’ll see what kind of accommodations the group needs, as we’re still not sure the set-up they’d want.

3. Books – We got a ton of books for the library! The latest from AK Press came in, and we also got some donations from a friend. Jackson also bought some books and zines from Indigo Bridge during a sale, totaling $22.51, which he would like reimbursed. We’re chill with that.

4. Summer Calendar – Tentatively, the calendar is done!

Friday, June 1st, 7-10 PM: The Black Cat 5th Anniversary People’s Choice Movie Night
Saturday, June 9th, 2:30-4 PM: What is the Prison-Industrial Complex? (a community discussion)
Friday, June 22nd, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Moonlight

Friday, July 13th, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: The Wind That Shakes The Barley
Saturday, July 21st, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion: Confronting Conspiracy Theories

Friday, August 10th, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Shin Godzilla

“Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories and How to Change Their Minds” – The Conversation
“What’s Wrong With Conspiracy Theories” – Socialist Worker Online

Blackout days: June 16 (Juneteenth), July 5-8 (ISO conference), last three weeks of August (Ty out of town and start of UNL school year)

Link June 9th discussion with June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

People’s Choice Options: Salt of the Earth (again), Dr. Strangelove, Terminal City Ricochet(?), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “Past Tense, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2”

_In the Intense Now_ will probably not be on DVD in time to commit it to the summer calendar. We should check back when planning for fall.

Health care as a discussion subject?

Meeting adjourned: 9:02 PM

Tabled items: Summer Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Posted in Minutes.