2/5/18 Minutes: Event Reviews, Spring Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Reviews – Because we didn’t have a meeting last week, we have three event reviews: our showing of Trapped, the counter-protest, and the African Fight Against Imperialism discussion. Trapped had a good turnout and discussion, the counter-protest went well, and the African Fight Against Imperialism discussion was decent and had good info, but the turnout was low. The co-organizer for the counter-protest might be moving, so we might have to take up making the Facebook event in the future. For the discussion, we think we could have done more advertisement, but we are also concerned that maybe there is just not enough interest in African issues in a place like Lincoln, Nebraska, which is unfortunate if true.

2. Upcoming Event – Our showing of Get Out is imminent! We’re very optimistic about the turnout and the discussion to follow. We think it’s a provocative film, and the online response has been very good so far compared to our other movie nights. Set-up will be easy, and we have the film ready to go.

3. Web Reimbursement – Jackson paid $30.71 for our web domain recently. He is approved for reimbursement.

4. Spring Calendar – We’re still waiting on feedback to schedule Popcorn Politics.

TBD – What is Transfeminism? (a community discussion) [basically open to doing this most any Saturday… we want to schedule the movie(s) first]
TBD – Popcorn Politics
Another movie or documentary?

Saturday, April 14th, 1-3 PM – Reading Discussion: Fueling Dissent
TBD – Popcorn Politics

Saturday, May 5th, 12-5 PM – Open House Party for Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday
Friday, May 11th, 8 AM-6 PM, and Saturday, May 12th, 8 AM-2 PM – The Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
TBD – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
TBD – Popcorn Politics

Fueling Dissent – https://apps.publicintegrity.org/united-states-of-petroleum/fueling-dissent/

Ideas for other spring calendar events:

Discussions: liberation theology, national liberation movement/separatism, prison-industrial complex

Movies: Popcorn Politics? (Salt of the Earth? Kubrick? Imperium?)

Other: Little Red Singalong

Black Out Days: April 21st (UNL Spring Game), April 28th (Lincoln Earth Day), April 6/7/8 (Jackson will be gone)
Grey Out Days: March 17-25 (UNL Spring Break)

Meeting adjourned: 8:16 PM

Tabled items: Friends of AK Press, Spring Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop

Posted in Minutes.