10/26/15 Minutes: The Great Swamps, Police Brutality, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Upcoming Event:  The Great Swamps will be playing here on Wednesday at 7 PM.  We emailed them and asked whether they had any food preferences while they are here, and Jackson will put up a last minute flier at his work.

2. Police Brutality Event: Alicia and Devin came to our meeting and told us what they could about their story.  We gave them all the resources and names we had available as far as people who could potentially help them organize an event of the caliber they are thinking of.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, Dec 5th, 7PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December

Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? – February

Potential movies:
Che (Part 1) (Jan), Ma Vie en Rose (Jan), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

10/19/15 Minutes – Police Brutality Event, Winter Calendar, Ella’s Fundraiser

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Review: We had our discussion on protesting on Saturday. The turnout was low, but the discussion was still very good.

What should we be doing to boost turnout? Jackson admits his Facebook event went up late. Ty suggests possibly creating queued FB statuses right after creating the event to make sure we remember to remind people about the upcoming events. Jackson also wonders how many of our calendars are no longer posted around town; Ty will bring some more to possibly refresh the bulletin boards when he distributes concert fliers this week.

2. Ella’s fundraiser – Our friend and collaborator Ella is trying to crowdfund to cover some travel expenses to help her attend a conference that would make her an even greater asset to community groups like ourselves. We agree to commit $100 from our treasury to help her out.

3. Reimbursement – Ty got a bunch of color printing done for us last week, and wants to be reimbursed $13.94 for those expenses. We agree, of course!

4. Police Brutality Event – We were contacted by someone wanting to do some kind of public event on police brutality and racism. As this is obviously within our interests, Ty has emailed the person to see how we can be of service.

5. Winter Calendar – Ty has created a Facebook status asking our friends there what kind of events they’d like to see of us in the Winter Calendar. It will run tomorrow afternoon.

LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December

No Woman No Cry (Dec), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

10/12/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Trekkies was on Friday, and it was a fun show. Not a great turnout, but a good discussion. Our Indigenous People’s Day Rally was just an couple hours ago. We got some channel 8 coverage! “The revolution may not be televised, but the protest did,” as Jackson put it. Handed out a few zines. We think we might need a specific flier for the event next time.

2. Upcoming Event – Protest: What Is It Good For? is this Saturday. We need to continue promoting it, but other than that, we think we’re ready. As an aside, Jackson thinks getting a big whiteboard would come in handy with this sort of event in the future, to jot down ideas the discussion generates.

3. The Great Swamps – Ty put the Facebook event page up! We’ll start inviting people and sharing it around.

4. Buttons – We have labels, so Ty will make some with our website to put on the back of our buttons.  We’re also going to send some pronoun and pride buttons to be printed.

5. Anniversaries – In our project to add anniversaries of important historical events, we added May Day and the Stonewall Riots.

6. Winter Calendar – Items to consider:

Winter Solstice Party in December

Mardi Gras: Made in China in late January

Black History Month in February. Maybe try The Angola 3 again? Malcolm X or another biography? Or the 1995 film Panther?

Jackson suggests polling the Facebook page, see what our fans want us to host.

Tabled: Winter Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:09 PM

10/5/15 Minutes: Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Calendars

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Food Inc on Saturday night. The turnout was ok, but the conversation afterward was excellent.

2. Upcoming Events – We’ve got Trekkies on Friday. No problems there.

We’ve also got our Indigenous Peoples’ Day Rally on next Monday. Ty is going to promote it online. Ty will also get our zines assembled. He declines reimbursement for getting those materials printed. We’ll probably not host a sign-making party, as our offer to do so didn’t attract any interest online.

3. Copy Machine – Ty will finish setting that up on Saturday, as he has time to do so.

4. Black Cat Appreciation Day – Ty wants us to do themed posts on social media surrounding August 17th, which is apparently Black Cat Appreciation Day. He thinks it would be a good time to highlight some of the historical influences that inspired us to name our house, such as the Black Panthers. Jackson likes the idea, and we spent several minutes discussing several possible strategies for doing so (but no decision was made at this time)

5. Calendar of Holidays, Anniversaries, and Commemorations – (This is a tangent thought of by Jackson in the wake of the last item.) We need some kind of system for better remembering all of the holidays and historical reminders that we try to keep up with all year. Ty suggests building them into our existing events calendar on the website; additional information on the event can even show up when one hovers the mouse over the day on the calendar. We added anniversaries for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to our calenar, and table the item to consider more dates to add to our calendar in the upcoming weeks.

6. Band – We’ve been contacted about hosting another concert. The performer’s initial email doesn’t have enough information for us to make a good decision, so Ty will email them and try to figure things out.

7. Buttons – Ty is looking to enlist some help with button design. Jackson has ordered a free “sample” of label sheets that should be what we need.

Tabled: Calendar of Holidays, Anniversaries, and Commemorations, Buttons, Winter Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:22 PM